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A Traditional Wedding for the 21st Century

Writer's picture: perfectpromisesukperfectpromisesuk
A black and white picture of a bride and groom walking down the aisle at the end of their wedding ceremony.  The bride is wearing a traditional white dress and carrying flowers and the groom is wearing an open-neck shirt and suit

Sometimes, people are worried that using a Celebrant means that their wedding ceremony has to be particularly quirky or unusual, but that is most definitely not the case!

My ceremonies have been described by couples as ‘traditional with a twist’, or’ formal without the formality’, but what does that actually mean?

Put simply, it means that my wedding ceremonies give couples all the traditional elements that they would like to include as part of their wedding day, but without any notion of rigidity or ‘this is the way it has to be done’.


Lots of couples nowadays want to bring their wedding into the 21st century, but without losing the familiar customs and traditions that they might have looked forward to for years.  For many people, their idea of a ‘traditional’ wedding is one which includes a white dress, bridesmaids, walking down the aisle, vows, exchanges of rings and, perhaps, songs/readings etc.

But, even then, you can adapt any part of the ceremony to suit you - why not have a flower man as well as/instead of a flower girl!

If your cultural heritage is different, then you may wish to include other particular references or rituals and create a wonderful, personal ceremony which blends elements that are important and meaningful to you.

The fact is that any, or all, of these things can form part of a Celebrant-led wedding ceremony, and make the foundations that my bespoke ceremonies are built upon.

This gives you the reassurance that all the things you imagined when you thought about your wedding day will be there.  Your guests, too, will immediately be comfortable and at ease with the familiarity of the event, and not be wondering what on earth is going on!

A laughing bride and groom during their wedding ceremony at luxury wedding venue.  The bride is wearing a white wedding dress and veil and the groom is wearing a morning suit.


So, if the ceremony looks familiar, why use a Celebrant at all?  That’s where the ‘with a twist’ comes in!

While keeping all the traditional elements you choose, a Celebrant will write each ceremony just for you, so the content is completely unique to each couple.

Apart from the fact that this makes each ceremony really warm, personal and  meaningful, you have the bonus of knowing that there won’t be any unfamiliar, awkward words that you’re going to have to say in front of everyone, because you will see the ceremony before your wedding day, and will have chosen your own vows and promises yourself (whether you write them yourself, or ask me to help you).

When I worked as a Registrar, it was the ‘repeat after me’ vows that couples were often the most anxious about - especially the one which begins “I do solemnly declare that I know not of any lawful impediment … “

Although the word ‘impediment’  was the one that really worried them, on the day it was actually the word ‘solemnly’ which most found hardest to say.  Try it yourself - solemnly - it’s not a word many of us would use in everyday life, and it is surprisingly tricky to say and, ironically, often made couples giggle...

No such worries with a Celebrant ceremony - no nervous giggles here, just genuine laughter!

A laughing bride and groom during their outdoor wedding ceremony at a luxury wedding venue.  The bride is wearing a beautiful off-the-shoulder white dress and the groom is wearing black tie


Here is a link to a previous blog with a very simple outline of what the structure of a traditional ceremony might look like (Traditional Wedding Ceremony Order of Service) and a Celebrant will help you adapt the format to suit you; to make everything feel absolutely right for you.

Couples who choose a me as their Celebrant are usually looking for something which feels very traditional, but with the personal content and individual touches that help to make the ceremony completely their own.

If this sounds like you, click on the ‘Book a Call with Tanya’ button at the top of the page and let’s chat!

As one of my couples said: “Just the way every marriage should start!”

A smiling bohemian bride and groom at the end of their wedding ceremony in a former church building.


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